MINI Coopers to Play Ghosts in New Movie

April 20, 2015

The upcoming movie Pixels features some big names – in a few different ways.

In the movie, NASA sent out a space probe in 1982 showcasing Earth’s culture in a multitude of ways, hoping to foster future alien meetings with peace. Of course, messages read by others don’t always translate properly. Whatever happened now means that aliens are trying to kill us – using our own video game creations, only much bigger and a lot badder.

PacMan is one of these dangerous creatures, chomping away at buildings and more in a path of destruction. So what takes out PacMan in the game? The Ghosts – Inky, Blinky, Pinky, and Clyde. And these roles are going to be filled by, what else? A MINI Cooper each. Helping characters played by Adam Sandler, Peter Dinklage, Denis Akiyama, and Josh Gad, they’ll take on PacMan head-on with their MINIs turned Ghosts and destroy PacMan.

Of course, that still leaves Donkey Kong, the Space Invaders, and other video game characters, but one disaster at a time. After all, MINI can only do so much.

Colored to match their individual Ghost, Inky, Blinky, Pinky, and Clyde are fashioned by MINI using the Cooper S three-door model. Viewers can expect to see some fun and fancy driving, as no videogame-related movie would be short on action and excitement.

If you like what you see in Pixels, why not see what a MINI Cooper S can do for yourself? Take one for a drive at Braman MINI and discover how it really feels to cruise down the streets in a MINI. The best part? You can drive at your leisure and not have to worry about any giant alien PacMan creature chomping its way through the city and turning things into nothing more than pixilated blocks. It’s probably better that way.

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