MINI John Cooper Works Convertible

  • Are you ready for something bigger, better, and more surprising? MINI knows how to build up a show and bring all the glitter and grins to those waiting eagerly. Indeed, MINI brought forth the MINI John Cooper Works to the 2015 Detroit Auto Show – but that’s not all. Sure, they brought their A-game with
  • For a while the MINI was only available with two doors. But as technology progressed, MINI learned how to strike down some areas while enhancing others. This has given them the ability to pull a Dr. Who TARDIS effect on many of their cars – they seem rather small on the outside, but on the
  • MINI knows how to make a car that will earn attention. A MINI vehicle simply isn’t like any other car, and no other car has even come close to replicating a MINI (probably because they know that it would only hamper their own style and reputation – you simply can’t copy such greatness). But it
  • If you’ve ever owned a MINI or currently own one, there’s one thing that’s more than likely true – you’ve always wanted to go full throttle with your MINI and drive it like they do in the movies. You may not be pulling off an Italian Job, but there’s something inherently satisfying in the idea
  • MINI knows how to have fun with their cars. And they know that the people that drive them love to have fun, too. So the next time you find yourself inside of a 2015 MINI Cooper S, switch on the Sport Mode and discover what happens. In a great showing of engineering skill and a
  • If you’re in India, you may soon have access to a MINI Cooper S. Reported to be launching soon, the people of India will soon be able to find the MINI Cooper S for sale and drive it throughout the country. MINI always enjoys expanding to other locations, and getting set in India can be
  • For those who love to play video games, things just got a little more interesting. Normally in speedy games, you’ll find all the usual names – Ferrari, Corvette – and sometimes names that are entirely made up. But some game builders like to stick with the realistic design – and MINI has decided to get
  • MINI Folding Bike

    • February 27, 2015
    Love MINI? Love all the things that they do? Want a little something extra from MINI that you can really enjoy? It’s not a car – instead, it’s a MINI folding bike. MINI makes a lot of unique items that showcase their logo and their personal attention to detail. This includes another way for you
  • Meet the MINI John Cooper Works. The MINI JCW said its hellos at the Detroit North American International Auto Show last January, and already it has people buzzing with excitement. It’s got plenty of that classic MINI design, but there are some tweaks and differences throughout the car, making it unlike some of its forebears.
  • Entry-Level MINI Cooper

    • February 18, 2015
    People like MINI Coopers, oftentimes whether they fall into a person’s budget or not. Even for those who can’t afford a MINI at the time, it doesn’t mean they can’t still admire the car’s spunk and style. It’s ability to get up and go, the way it can handle tight corners and sneaky gaps. It’s